Mother's Day Skype Call with Megan!! Oh Happiness!!!!!

This was the best Mother's Day present EVER!  It was so fun to see Megan and hear her voice!  She looks older--more mature I guess.  I haven't seen her since December.  We had such a great visit with her and we weren't in a hurry this time, because it was Mother's Day and they didn't have any appointments, so Pres. Cooke said that they could talk as long as they wanted to, but to be reasonable. So we could just talk and not worry about the time.  We probably talked for a little over an hour and a half!  It took us a bit to get the call to come through without crackling and coming in and out, but as soon as we fixed that it was so enjoyable!  She looks so good!  We talked about everything...mostly her new area (Montgomery Village) and her new companion, Sister Ete, from Australia!  Her family knows Ashley Freeman from when she served in the Brisbane mission where Sis. Ete is from. (Pronounced "Etay")  She is originally from Samoa but has an Australian accent, so has lived there probably for most of her life, I'm assuming.  We got to meet her briefly.  Megan is serving in the Seneca Zone and the Montgomery Village District.  She has 2 wards, a regular family ward in Montgomery Village, and a newly formed YSA ward in the Seneca Stake.  She just can't get enough of those YSA wards. She is so excited to be in a family ward too, though, and says they feed them much better than the YSA's did back in DC.  (I was glad to hear that!)  Megan talked to all of the girls separately and counseled them to all go on a mission.  It was so cute...she had them get right up to the screen and talked to them so seriously about going on a mission.  Then she had me come up to the screen and told me how much she loves me and how grateful she is for me.  It was so touching because she was so sincere and meant every word she said.  It made me feel so good.  Then she did the same thing with Dad and had him get up to the screen and told him how thankful she was for such a great dad and priesthood holder.  I had asked her if we could say a family prayer at the end of the call.  I thought that was a really good idea of how to end the call a little less awkwardly and she loved the idea and also asked if we could sing a hymn and her give a spiritual thought.  We sang "I Stand All Amazed", which Megan chose, and there wasn't a dry eye in the room or Megan's room!  Then she gave a spiritual thought about the Book of Mormon and how it is the only thing that can nourish the ills of this world.  She gave a quote by President Boyd K. Packer that I need to get from her. Then she challenged each of us to give away a copy of the Book of Mormon.  She said that instead of thinking of someone to give it to, to set a date to give it away by.  I thought that was such a great idea!  I really want to do this!  Wow!  We felt such a missionary zeal talking to her.  She has such a beautiful and bright spirit about her and teaches with such power and sweetness!  Who could resist at least listening to her teach the gospel!?!  Mom, Robin, Shelby, Allison and Joshua all walked in at the end of the call so Megan got to see all of them too. (They came over for a Mother's Day dinner that Bill made for all of us!)  Megan wrote a sweet letter to Joshua, and he took some time to talk to her and share his appreciation for it.  It was a sweet, tender moment.  They are such good friends.  Megan expressed her love to all of us, and then it was time to go...just like that!  It was so hard to say goodbye!  But it was a sweet phone call.  I needed to see and hear from her.  She is doing so well and LOVES missionary work!  Her countenance is beautiful!  We love you Megan!!!!!  And we miss you so much!!!!!!!

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